Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The House of Boo by J. Patrick Lewis
This story is about 3 kids dressed as ghosts who go to the haunted house on Humpback Hill to try to see Boo Scoggins. The children encounter frightful things on there way there and they are unsuccessful in their attempt to try and spot Boo. This is a great Halloween book. This book is written in poem form and at the end of the book, there is an author's note explaining what kind of poem it is. It is called a Rubaiyat poem which means that the poem links the stanzas; the third line's end word is the major rhyme. This book would be a great model if you were trying to get your students to write a certain way. For example, if you are doing a unit on poetry you can introduce all the different types of poems and they can choose what kind they like and write a poem of their own.
The illustrations in this book are by Katya Krenina. I like them because she does a great job of making the pictures look only a little scary. They aren't too scary where they wouldn't be appropriate for younger kids. I also like how some of the text is on signs or on gravestones. Also, all the text is in orange except for the word "blood" which is in red. I would recommend this book for kids ages 4 and up.

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