Thursday, September 3, 2009

Drat That Fat Cat by Pat Thomson

This book is about a fat cat who eats a mouse, duck, dog, and then an old lady. After he eats something, the book asks, "But was that cat fat enough?" And the response is, "No he was not!" So, the cat continues on to eat something else. After eating the mouse, duck, dog, and old lady, a bee buzzes by and the cat accidently swallows it. The bee stings the inside of the cat and the cat hiccups the mouse, duck, dog, and old lady out. Then, the old lady takes the cat home to feed it cat food.

This book is good for young kids because it repeats itself often. When the book asks for the third time if the cat was fat enough, the kids will know to respond with "no he was not." This is good for kids just learning to read. When the cat swallows the mouse, the book talks about the mouse "squeak squeak squeaking" inside the cat. The book then repeats this but also adds a new animal sound each time the cat eats something. The use of sound in the book will also help beginner readers.

I wouldn't say Ailie Busby is my favorite illustrator but she does a good job of making the pictures represent the text (which is also very important for beginner readers) and adding a lot of bright colors.

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