Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This class has allowed me to read books that my future students are actually reading. For example, I never thought I would like graphic novels. In fact, I didn't know what graphic novels were until this class. After reading one, I realized how fun and interesting they are and I can see why kids choose to read them. I also read different genres that I probably would have never touched. I have always said that I do not like science fiction but I fell in love with The Giver. I could not put the book down; I love the way the author details the ideas she has. This would be a great book to read as a class or as a read-aloud because it can spark such great conversation. I also enjoyed reading books that claim to be controversial and having the chance to analyze them. Normally, I would just read a quick picture book and then I would be done with it. I never sat down and analyzed the text and illustrations but doing this has given me a better understanding of the books that are out there and books that I want to share with my future classroom. Reading a variety of books and getting to know your students gives me an opportunity to make book recommendations. When I was in fourth grade, my teacher recommended a book to me and it made me feel special that she was actually considering me and that she had taken the time to pair me with a book that she thought I would like. I can also use my own experiences to get students interested in genres that they may have not considered before.

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