Monday, November 30, 2009

This semester has gone by quick by I have learned many valuable things that I will implement into my own classroom. I have gotten the chance to read many great children's books and this has opened by eyes to what children are actually reading. For example, before this class I had no idea what a graphic novel was and I especially did not know what a Manga book was but it turns out that these books are quite popular with students. Being exposed to new books and ideas can only help me as a teacher. I have also learned that there is more to a book then just the actual text and pictures. The cover, cover page, and even the back of the book can add to the story. Now that I know this, I can show this to my students and hopefully they will find it as interesting as I did. Right now, I am working on my text set and I am finding it fun to search for many different books on the same topic. It gets me excited to actually start teaching and doing lessons on the text set. I can only imagine the great conversations that will take place after reading good books.

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